Somwhere in Southern Gondor
Evening, April 6, 3020

The journey had been a long one from Minas Artano, but at last Lord Ashtum and his family were nearing their home in Hyranugondor after a six-day trip. Tonight would be the last night of having to set up camp in the woods through which they were passing and by the next afternoon they would be home in Tarnost.

Lord Ashtum and Awandi, the Captain of his Household Guard, rode behind the cavalry escort of ten men. Behind them was the wain carrying his wife, Adibe; his six-year old son, Antar; their nineteen-year-old daughter, Debanni; and two handmaidens. Behind them was another cavalry escort of ten men, making up the entourage. The four women were almost asleep, lulled by the rocking motion of the wain as the horses drew it. Lord Ashtum was feeling satisfied with himself, for he had concluded an agreement with Lord Darnab about his beauteous young fifteen-year-old daughter before they left Minas Artano. Darnab had been stubborn and had insisted upon a brideprice that was extravagant in Lord Ashtum's opinion, but still he had been willing to pay it for the maiden was very lovely and it was the custom of their people to take more than one wife. The wedding would take place in six months after the prescribed time of betrothal had passed.

His first wife, Adibe, had accepted the news of the second wife with resigned silence. She had endured twenty years of marriage and showed the marks of it with her hair, prematurely streaked with gray and her face, which was lined and wrinkled. Long accustomed to speaking only when spoken to by her husband, resentment had long smoldered in her heart and now it was boiling up to a rising fury at the thought of her husband, forty-six years old and taking another wife which Adibe considered as little more than a child. Little could be read of her thoughts, though, behind the veil she was forced by the custom of Harad to wear in public. The khol-lined eyes of her daughter, Debanni, fluttered open when the wain hit a slight bump in the road, and when the mother and daughter eyed each other, and Debanni could see that her mother had been crying. Antar, the son, fidgeted impatiently on the wain's seat, uncomfortable from the long hours that he had been riding.

Shortly before dusk, the group could see a wain listing to one side with a broken wheel. The wheel had been taken off the wain and to the side of the woods could be seen two men repairing it. Lord Ashtum cursed the delay and sat fuming upon his horse.

Debanni portrayed by Madurz
Adibe portrayed by Eowyn
Lord Ashtum portrayed by Hobbitness
Narrator and The Captain portrayed by Angmar

Lord Ashtum: *Ashtum yells for the captain of his guard. When the man arrives, Ashtum growls* Go to those sons of orcs and ask how long they intend to impede our course! Find out how long they will take to repair their wheel! *roughly he pushes the man away*
Narrator: *No sooner than the captain of the guard reaches the damaged wagon than men rush out of the wain and surrounding woods. The Captain of the Guard is soon down and men with staves and swords surround the entourage.*
Narrator: *The men grab the horses by the bridles and soon the road is a seething mass of bucking, rearing horses and screaming, fighting men. Two men hold Lord Ashtum's horse's bridle and one of them says* Drop your sword! You are surrounded by our men who are in the woods and their arrows are already notched and aimed at your heart!
Lord Ashtum: *Ashtum screams a string of profanities. He is about to slash at the men when they announce that their archers already aim for him... He looks into the trees and sees arrows poking out between branches. Uttering a last imprecation, he drops his sword.* Foul beasts! Unhand my horse!
Adibe: *Adibe and the other women in the wain scream as they hear the chaos outside, the angry shouts and threats. Peering fearfully out the window,the woman sees that the entourage has been ambushed by highwaymen. Quickly turning away and lowering the blind, she pulls her son Antar and daughter Debanni close to herself, and the handmaidens cower about them, as they huddle in terror in the wain.*
Debanni: *Her large dark eyes, opened fully and look to her mother, resting her hands on her arm, fearful of what is happening just outside. She tries to keep a calm demeanor around her little brother but she cannot help show her uneasiness. She smiles lightly and then looks back to her mother. Waiting...wondering for what is to come.*
Narrator: *Soon Lord Ashtum is dragged from his horse and is held by two masked men while he turns red in rage. Two of the guards go down screaming with wounds and several are clubbed senseless by staffs. The outlaw band far outnumbers Lord Ashtum's guard, and soon Lord Ashtum's men are off their horses, disarmed and guarded by the motley crew of bandits.*
Narrator: *A tall, thin man steps out of the trees and walks up to Lord Ashtum while the outlaws tie bind his men's arms and hands behind them, doubling the men up with rope strung between their hands and legs.*
Lord Ashtum: You cursed fiend!!! You have no right to do this! Why, when I get my chance, I will turn you in! I will tear you limb from limb myself!
Lord Ashtum: *He struggles against the men who hold them, kicking at them. Beads of sweat appear on his red, glistening forehead. His eyes flash and his lips roll back to bare his teeth as he shouts*
The Captain: *The Captain walks up to Lord Ashtum and bows to him* Having a pleasant journey? *he asks and smirks*
The Captain: Clear the wain from the road! *The Captain shouts, and soon some of his outlaws have dragged the wain to the side of the road. He turns back to Ashtum*
The Captain: Rumor has it that you are quite a rich man with plenty of gold to spare. First, let us have all of your possessions, your rings, any chains you have. We are poor men and must live off the bounty of the rich *the Captain says*
The Captain: *A man holds out an open bag for Lord Ashtum to drop his valuables in, while other outlaws the bodies of Lord Ashtum's guards for any possessions they might have. After stripping them, some go into the woods to find the runaway horses of their captains*
Debanni: *Debanni's body trembles as she hears the sounds of struggle, grunting, rushed shuffling of feet on the ground. The sounds of physical force...and shouting...familiar voice of her father and that of a stranger...and the things she hears makes her huddle to her mother even more*
Adibe: *Feeling her daughter's trembling, Adibe holds her closer, her arm going about her shoulders as she tries to comfort both her children by speaking soft words, though she is terrified herself. She tries to remain strong, however, and not let them know this, lest they all loose courage.*
Lord Ashtum: Never! Insolent wretch! Don't you know who I am? You shall not take any of my possessions! *he lunges against the men who hold him, aiming a blow at the Captain's face*
The Captain: *The blow from Lord Ashtum takes The Captain by surprise and his head flies to the side but he quickly gains his composure and draws a knife from inside his cloak and rams it into Lord Ashtum's shoulder.*
Lord Ashtum: *Lord Ashtum roars in pain and fury as the knife plunges into his shoulder. He goes limp in his captor's grip for a moment, but when that increases his pain, he goes wild with rage*
Lord Ashtum: *He screams incoherently and struggles with his good arm until his strength is spent*
Debanni: Mother? *her voice is a gasping whisper and both a nervous statement and a question*
Adibe: *Adibe looks to her daughter, and her dark eyes are filled with silent dread* Debanni... *she replies in a quavering whisper* I do not know what is going on out there.
Adibe: *She looks again towards the window, wondering if she should dare open it. She knows that the scene she would see would most likely be a grim and horrifying one*
The Captain: You fool! *The Captain shouts, and he calls to two of his men, one with healing powers to go to the fallen Lord Ashtum.*
The Captain: *The men pull Lord Ashtum to the ground and the healer inspect his wound* The dog might live *he says, and then he opens the case that he brought with him and take out some cloth. He folds up a piece and plugs the hole in Ashtum's shoulder and weaves a bandage around it.*
The Captain: *The Captain barely looks at Lord Ashtum and walks to the back of the wain and opens the door, his sword drawn* Let us see what treasures lie inside
Adibe: *Adibe screams, a loud and shrill piercing sound, as she sees the masked face of the strange man as he peers into the wain. She draws her daughter and trembling, crying son tighter to herself, and the handmaidens cringe about them*
Debanni: *Her fingers dig painfully into her mother's arm. Reaching a hand to her brother, she clings to them both and hopes they are not to be hurt. Her eyes wide and staring at the man, not blinking. Her heart pounds in her chest so hard that she can hear it echo in her ears*
The Captain: Lord Ashtum's treasures and a pup! *The Captain exclaims as he sees the four women inside* Get out so I can see you!
Debanni: *She looks to her mother quickly and waits to follow her actions*
Lord Ashtum: *Lord Ashtum still writhes weakly as he lies where the outlaws left him. He still has strength enough to turn and watch the Captain enter his wain*
Lord Ashtum: Stop!! Leave my wife and children alone! You brigands! *he puffs out more profanities until he falls back, red and panting.*
Lord Ashtum: *Ashtum speaks not so much out of concern for his family as out of possessiveness. He cannot stand the thought of anyone else touching his woman... though he grew tired of her long ago. And his children are the hope of his line, so he must safeguard them.*
Adibe: *Adibe stares at the man's sword.. so sharp and fell, she can see even in the dim light of the wain. It could easily slay them all. She trembles openly now, losing all control of the effects her fear has upon her body ... She is afraid to move, but afraid not to. The man will surely slay them should they disobey his command or cause him trouble.*
Adibe: *Swallowing hard, she slowly rises to her feet, helping her daughter and son up as well, and assisting the handmaidens in their rising. Fearfully obedient, she leads the five others out of the wain, staying quiet, as always, to keep from being hurt.*
The Captain: *Algund and many of his men look at the captives as wolves look upon a flock of sheep.* Veiled women! *The Captain says disdainfully* And let us see what lies beneath!
The Captain: *Four men rush at them and tear the veils from the women's faces*
Debanni: *Fear consumes Debanni even more as she sees her mother in total distress. she breathes heavily , stuck to their sides. She keeps her eyes lowered to the ground until she feels the harsh tearing of her veil from her face. Her lower lip trembles. Dark eyes about to well with tears, yet she keeps from crying*
Adibe: *Her veil suddenly being whipped from her head, she cries out in surprise, dark eyes flying wide open. She feels naked, exposed, without her covering, and she knows the outlaws are gawking at the tawny flesh of her and her daughter with the basest of desires.*
Adibe: *Inadvertently she takes a step backwards, but stands still and closes her gaping mouth, her lips pressed into a thin line. If she causes these men as little trouble as she can, she hopes they will have mercy upon her children and herself.*
The Captain: *The Captain looks over the four unveiled women, assessing them all in his mind. His gaze falls upon the young woman and he thinks, "She is most comely, but the other three.... ahhh... no. One must be Lord Ashtum's wife, and the others must be relatives or handmaidens. The lad must be his son, who will be of most value to him."*
The Captain: *He looks towards Lord Ashtum* What are you willing to pay to get your heir, your wife and this most beautiful young maid back?
Adibe: *Her eyes widen and she breathes in sharply through her nose...these men are going to hold them for ransom! Dark eyes flick towards her husband, silently pleading. Not that he would care, of course, for he regarded her about as highly as one would regard a troublesome insect that buzzes around one's head and vexes them greatly, but certainly he would take pity on his daughter and son at the hands of these ruffians. At least... she hopes he would. Her eyebrows furrow piteously as she silently begs him with her eyes.*
Lord Ashtum: *Ashtum's shouts have subsided to a more subdued grumbling. He hates his powerlessness, hates that these men have seized his possessions, his woman and his children, and have wounded him.*
Lord Ashtum: *The realization that all control of his fate, his family, and his goods lies in the hands of these outlaws is more painful than his wound. His pride cannot stand it.*
Lord Ashtum: *He hesitates long before answering. Finally he gives them all, especially Adibe, a glare that says, "You will owe me for this!"*
Debanni: *Her eyes gaze to her father, his wound then to her little brother who she longs to comfort. She moves her eyes to her mother then to the man in front of her. She keeps still, makes little sound and silently hopes*
Lord Ashtum: *The stupid, silent pleas of his wife only infuriate him more, but he cannot let them take his family* So you would hold them for ransom? *he spits* I suppose I must pay you then. Perhaps...perhaps a horse, and my wife's jewels will satisfy you. They are...*puffs* quite valuable.
The Captain: *The Captain continues to stare at Lord Ashtum* That is all you can offer? A horse and some jewels? Would you throw away your treasures? No matter, we will take some of them anyway, and find a good use for them *he laughs*
The Captain: They would bring far more than that on the slave market in Mittalgondor! They go with us while you think upon the matter. But since there can be no proper introduction, I wish to know the names of these women, and the name of the lad. Speak *he says as he walks over to Debanni and holds the tip of his sword to her throat*
Lord Ashtum: No! *Ashtum cries when the Captain says he will take his family. The lord of Mordor grits his teeth*...........What do you demand? *he finally manages*
Adibe: *Adibe gasps and cries out at the sight of her daughter at the mercy of this cruel, evil man, wishing so desperately she could save her*
Debanni: *She stiffens and leans her head back instinctively , trying to move a bit away from the sharp tip..being she is only used to giving direct answers, she does not protest* D.. *whimpers* ..Debanni
The Captain: Debanni *he says arrogantly* quite a fine name for a Southron wench! You would fetch a fine price at the slave market, my maid. Is this woman in fine clothing your mother? And who are the other two women? And the name of the lad? Speak, maid, and you shall be allowed to live to be as old as your mother!
Debanni: *He asks her many questions and her mind reels. She stammers and seems to only be able to concentrate on the man's burning eyes and the tip of the blade at the hollow of her throat. She thinks..she tries hard and manages to speak..her eyes gesturing to the women*
Debanni: S..servant women *she closes her eyes..each word that comes from her forces her throat more against the tip. On the verge of tears, but she fights them and looks to the man before she says* Brother....Atar. *finds it hard to look at the man's face* Our mother *whimpers more* Adibe
Adibe: Adibe closes her eyes, shutting them tightly, then opening them again. Swallowing hard, she squeezes the hand of her daughter who stands at her side, and her son who stands at her other side, both to comfort them, and to comfort herself. She focuses on enduring this fear, this terror, and remaining strong for her children, though she really feels horribly vulnerable and helpless.*
The Captain: The fine lord's wife, daughter and son will go with us *The Captain says with a note of finality* The two servant women will be freed. They are of little value to us, and they can care for Lord Ashtum as he rides back to his stolen home, once the house of a noble of Gondor.
The Captain: Free one of Ashtum's filthy Haradrim so that he can drive their wain back. Put the two women upon horses and lead them. I will take the boy behind me on my saddle.
The Captain: If you want them back alive, my fine lord, it will cost you fifty thousand gold coins of your stolen hoard! And you, my lord, should you expire of your wound, I will deal with your administrator or the guardian of your survivors!
Lord Ashtum:*he sputters, but cannot think of any words to sufficiently express his anger* You will pay for this! *he shakes his fist at the man, then cries out in pain and lies back*
Lord Ashtum: *His eyes are two black darts peeking through narrow slits as he watches the outlaws steal his family*
The Captain: I will send a man to your keep, Haradric dog, two days hence at nightfall. He will give you instructions on what to do. Cooperate or you will never see your wife or children again. *The Captain says as he mounts his horse.*
Narrator: *On the command of The Captain, the outlaws free one of Lord Ashtum's guards, one who has a slight wound on one of his arms, and names him to serve as a driver. Other outlaws pick up Ashtum and place him in the wain and tell the two serving women to get in with him.*
Narrator: *More outlaws bring horses for the women and after helping the women mount the horses, they set off, leading the two women's horses by ropes attached to halters. The outlaws go in all directions to evade easy detection and they disappear into the trees.*

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