June 16, 3020

Written by Angmar

The faint light of early dawn filtered through the covering on the window. Lilandra lay on her side nestled against Aldir, and he awoke and lay there listening to her gentle breathing. He kissed her on the back of the neck and extracted his arm from under hers slowly, careful not to awaken her. He lay in the bed a while longer, unwilling to break the calm peace of early morning. Sighing inwardly, he turned on his back and then rolling to the side, he sat there a while and watched the patterns the sunlight made against the wall.

He dressed quickly and casting a backward look to her, he could see that she was still sleeping and he was glad. How much she had endured, those long months when the beast Vartang had held her captive! Many nights she had whimpered in her sleep, sometimes even crying out, "No! No!" and he had held her and comforted her when she had awakened from the dark dreams that she had been having. He watched her for a while longer from the doorway, and she had murmured and then rolled onto her back.

He made his way to the kitchen and there greeted the kitchen slaves who had been up for some hours preparing breakfast for the household. "Mistress Finduilas, good morning!" he greeted her.

"Good morning, Aldir," she responded, and then a concerned look came upon her face. "How is Lilandra this morning?"

"Still sleeping," he had replied.

The other workers in the kitchen greeted him as they passed by, all inquiring about Lilandra. "We will have some breakfast for you both here in just a moment," Finduilas had said, and soon she and Rian had brought two trays, and Aldir took one and Rian took the other.

"Much obliged for your help, Mistress Finduilas and Rian," and he had led the way out of the kitchen with Rian following behind.

Aldir had opened the door for her and she went in. Finding that Lilandra had awakened during his absence and was sitting up in bed, he walked over to her and carefully set the tray upon her lap. "Good morning, my love," he said and brushed his lips over her cheek. Rian, a pleasant smile upon her face, had joked, "Eat now, Aldir; a soon to be father must keep up his strength."

Slightly embarrassed at her jesting, he took the tray from her hands and sat down. "I will do my best," he said, and smiled and busied himself with looking at his food.

"Will you not stay with us a while?" Lilandra had asked Rian.

"No, no," she had said, "too much work now in the kitchen. I will be back later." She excused herself and left the room.

He looked at Lilandra and thought she looked pale and wan, but when he asked her how she felt, she had smiled and told him that she was well. Despite her reassurances, Aldir still did not like the way she looked. "How pale," he thought, "how delicate she looks today, frail," and his throat constricted in a dry tightness. He put his tray, barely touched, aside on the stool. When she had inquired why he had not finished it, he had lied and told her, "Mistress Finduilas is too generous of the food in her kitchen, and she gave me far too much. Who wants to eat anyway when he can look at someone who is as beautiful as you?"

He could tell by the look in her eyes that she did not believe him, but she had said nothing and had smiled at him. "That smile," he thought, that charming smile that had captivated him years ago when he, a young farmer, had requested permission of her father that he pay court to her. Six years her senior, Aldir had loved her since she was a small child and he was a lad of 12, and often he had found excuses to help her father with his chores on the farm. The father, a wise man, had told him, "My, what an industrious lad you are, but if it is work you offer, indeed I will accept for there is work aplenty to do here." Then her father would eye him with a close scrutiny and a twinkle in his eye, "But does not your father need you more?"

"No, no, I finished my chores, and my father excused me, and now, sir, after I have helped you, may I take Lilandra fishing?"

"Yes, lad," the father had said, "after you have helped me clean out the milk cow's stall."

"Yes, sir," Aldir had replied, "I will do it quite speedily," and he had, for there was a spot in the deepest part of the stream where he had seen a very large fish just the day before as it leapt out of the water to ensnare an insect in its mouth.

"My love?" her voice was questioning. "Where are your thoughts today?"

"On a very large fish a long time ago that I had hoped to catch to impress you, but you, my dearest, had the best of me, for it was your line that caught him, and although you needed help in hauling him in, 'twas only fair that the honor goes to you." He smiled at her and said softly, "I think you caught more than that fish."

"Do you think?" she asked playfully.

"No, I know it," he replied and rose to his feet, walked over to the bed where he put his hand on her shoulder and leaned down and kissed her. "How is our son today?" he asked as he reached down and rested his hand lightly upon her stomach.

"He is well," she replied, "as am I, but how do you know it will be a lad?"

"I just know," he said smugly, and she laughed. He kissed her again, a long, slow, loving kiss, and his hand caressed her stomach gently. "Perhaps you should stay in bed today?" he suggested in what he had hoped was a casual tone that would not belie his concern for her.

"No," she had protested. "Finduilas has been giving me light work to do in the kitchen peeling potatoes, things that will not overtire me, and besides I need the company while you are attending to your labors in the stable."

"I wish you would just rest today," he said.

"Nonsense!" she replied. "Now go to work. Your horses will have conniption fits if you do not go and pamper them as is your wont," she laughed.

"Yes," he sighed dolefully, but as much as I like the horses and my work with them, for it reminds me of our farm, I would feel things were much more right if I could stay with you."

"Nonsense," she said again. "Now go to work, you sluggard."

"I love you," he said again as he caught her lips again in a deep kiss and held her shoulder tightly. "I will be back at the noonday meal."

"Go," she giggled, "for you might not want to go at all."

"I do not!" he exclaimed.

The morning stable duties were the same as always; he and the other grooms took feed and water to the horses and then cleaned their stalls. His duties kept him busy all that morning and he went back to the hall at midday, where he and Lilandra ate their meals in the dining hall with all the other servants.

The rest of the day was spent in caring for the horses, cleaning, currying and brushing manes and tails until the animals' silken hair gleamed. After saddling and bridling the horses, the grooms took them out to the fenced in enclosure where they put the steeds through their paces - walking, trotting and cantering, for horses that stand long days in the stable without loosening their muscles and being in the sun soon fall prey to all manner of maladies. When the mounts were ridden back to the stable, lathered and foaming, they were unsaddled, blanketed and then walked until they were thoroughly cool. As Aldir led his favorite, a big, dark gelding, about the stable yards to cool him out, he thought, "Even the youngest stable boy knows that a horse who is allowed to drink his fill of water when he is still too hot will no doubt founder. Even if the poor creature does survive that devastation, it could be ruined for all further use."

Often he would retreat to the secret corners of his mind when he was worried and think about the days that he and Lilandra had spent together on their farm, working in the fields, harvesting the crops, caring for the animals. Life had been peaceful there, although there was always talk of trouble back towards the East. Trouble was far away, though, and life was good on the farm. The only thing that had blighted their happiness was that after three years of marriage, they had had no children, but life still was very good and they loved each other very much.

Aldir was glad for the labor in the stables that he loved, for being busy kept his mind off Lilandra, at least for a little while. As he walked the horse around in large, slow circles, he felt uneasy and could not shake the mood off. He had been this way before battles - tense, wondering, silent and grim - but he knew what to expect there at least. He must get back to Lilandra, but the horse still demanded his attention, and there were two more horses after this one that needed to be taken out and ridden.

The horse trotted and he posted to the rise and fall of its gait as a few stable boys watched. "Lilandra," he thought, and a dread filled him then. He shuddered at the remembrance of the horrible scars that raked their jagged pathways up and down her body. The Ring upon his finger began to pulse like a beating heart. "Devil-wrought phantom!" he cursed the Ring. "Begone!"

In his mind, he could hear the Ring laughing. "Was your fair wife well this morning?" it taunted him. "Hope for a fine son," it said, "a fine, strong boy who will grow to be as good a swordsman as his father. Mordor has use for such as that... or perhaps other uses. Enjoy the child if it lives," the Ring jeered at him, "it belongs to your Master, just like your wife and you, and He will claim it! Do not think that He will not!"

Aldir rode the horse out of the yard and called to a stable boy. Giving him the reins, he said gruffly, "Tend to the animal. I am needed elsewhere." He walked briskly away.


Written by Madurz

In the kitchen, Lilandra took the loaves of bread that had cooled and were ready for slicing over to the table. She smiled as she looked to her stomach which touched the edge of the table and thought of how it was in the way of so many of her everyday tasks. To herself, she felt so big but many women of the house had hovered over her telling her constantly to eat, saying she was too thin for woman with child. They had spilled their own thoughts of what they felt was best to keep healthy during such a time and shared stories of their own births and of those they knew. Some ended with horrible outcomes of losing the children and she cringed each time imaging it. Lilandra usually became saddened and angry at the tales she heard from some of the women describing the comforts of their homes and closeness of their families. Her situation being one filled with hardships from the start.

She shivered each time the thought of telling her husband she was with his child while they were bloody and restrained with chains and the fate that lied for her afterwards. She took in all the information from the women eagerly though since she herself did not know the experience of childbirth but she was glad when they dispersed and left her to rest with her own thoughts.

Quiet now was the kitchen much to Lilandra's pleasure and after she made the last cut into the last loaf of bread she put the knife down and placed both hands on her hips and arched the small of her back, groaning as she did so. Aches and pains had developed all over her body in the passing months and once simple duties became arduous. Sleep, even was never fully peaceful. Along with her frequent nightmares, she found it hard to find a comfortable position and stay in it long. Some nights she would have to get up, reassuring Aldir she was alright, and pace the floor before going back to bed. Feelings and sensations developed in her body that she could not understand and some frightened her so she would check with other women to assure herself that such things were normal. Her biggest comfort, aside from Aldir, was Finduilas, who had agreed to be her midwife, having delivered many babies in the past. Close was she to her throughout the day and constantly checking on her well being and swift was she in tending to anything she needed. Lilandra was incredibly thankful for this woman who was not only her caretaker, but her friend.

Lilandra lowered herself slowly into a chair and slid her arms over her stomach and her eyes closed and a soft smile played over her lips as her thoughts moved to the memory Aldir had spoken of earlier in the day. Lilandra laughed to herself as she thought of him as that young boy who tried so hard to impress her and she too did all she could to get his attention. How they and their love grew so deeply over the years. From such a young age to the present there had been nothing in the world that made her feel more love or security. She had wanted to bear his child more than anything but after three years, she had faced sadly that such was not meant to be. And now, in slavery, growing inside her, was his child.

She opened her eyes and smiled as she looked to her hands on her belly. A sacred part of the man she loved to much was developing and about ready to come into this cruel world. But to parents who would love it more than life itself. July was upon them and so close now felt the day of the baby's arrival and as the days passed and she neared the event, she became more nervous.

Lilandra sighed deeply and knew it was time to get back to her tasks. She placed her hand on the table and began to rise and as she did, she felt a startling, tightening sensation in her lower stomach and gripped the table hard as her eyes widened and breath quickened, holding onto her belly. She was filled with alarm but exhaled deeply and calmed as the pain subsided. Carefully and slowly she moved the cut pieces of bread on the try over to another table and tried to convinced herself that the sensation was just that of the baby moving or leaning against her. Still, she worried and moved with ease as she went on to perform her next household duty.

Lilandra portrayed by Madurz
Finduilas portrayed by Eowyn
Sannael portrayed by Hobbitness
Narrator and Aldir portrayed by Angmar

Sannael: *Sannael was forced into slavery when Gondor was taken, but she has gradually grown comfortable with life as a servant in Baggins Hall. Her greatest pleasure is working with Finduilas, who was chief of the household servants of the Shakh's hall before Pizdur Guntha arrived and appointed a man as chamberlain of the hall. Sannael is able to avoid that fearsome man most of the time, however, and helps Findulas with her household work whenever possible, for she idolizes the woman and views her as a second mother. Most of the other servant maids feel the same about the dear lady.*
Sannael: *Recently, everyone has been filled with a excitement and apprehension about the coming birth of Lilandra's baby. Sannael still cannot believe that Lilandra survived the ordeal that she suffered while being held captive in Vartang's hall. Sannael tries to be of help in any way possible, assisting with the chores and tasks and seeing to Lilandra's comfort, but she fears the birth will be a difficult one.*
Lilandra: *Lilandra cleaned the surface of the tables and then took out a large bowl and began gathering up different fruits and placing them inside. She stretched again slowly, her lower back bothering her a bit. She slid the colorful, full bowl over next to the slices of bread and decided to go find Finduilas and ask if she would be able to go to her room for a brief rest.*
Lilandra: *Lilandra spotted Finduilas making bread at another table and made her way over to the woman and placed her hand on her shoulder* Finduilas, I have completed my tasks. Would it be alright if I go to my room for a few minutes?
Finduilas: *The kitchen was hot and stuffy, the hearth and ovens being warmed up for the afternoon baking. Finduilas wiped off her sweating brow on the back of her sleeve. She turns to Lilandra and, smiling, says* Of course, Lilandra. You should rest and get out of this hot kitchen for a while.
Finduilas: *Finduilas had been kneading bread so that it could rise in time for the evening meal. She set the loaves aside so they could rise and then wiped her flour-covered hands off on her apron, then took it off and put it on the table.*
Lilandra: *She smiles softly to Finduilas, squeezing her shoulder* If you both will excuse me for now, I will return shortly.
Finduilas: *Finduilas studies Lilandra's face for a moment. It has been pale all day, and she does not look at all well. Finduilas says with concern* You look a little tired; perhaps 'twould be best if you did not work anymore today. We shall just have to get along without you. *she says with a smile* Go and take your rest in your room.
Sannael: Yes, rest as much as you need to, and send for us if you need anything.
Lilandra: *Lilandra's eyes pass between the two women who show much concern for her. She is moved by their sincerity and she pats Sannael's back and takes Finduilas's hand in hers. For so long she had been quiet and distant with all of the others and stayed close to only Aldir. Since she was released from the horrors of Vartang's room, she had allowed some close to her and had begun to feel genuine respect and affection for a few. And in the company of two was she now* Thank you both. For everything. I will enjoy stretching out on my bed for a while. But I do not like to stay idle. I will come back when I can.
Finduilas: No, no, rest the remainder of the day. *Finduilas smiles to her* I would feel better if I stayed with you a while. Would you like the company?
Lilandra: *She shakes her hand lightly* No, that is alright dearest Finduilas. I shall be well. I just need to lay down for a short while. But perhaps I will take the rest of the day off. But come by later, for your company I always appreciate very much.
Finduilas: Aye, I think that would be best. I shall be in the kitchen as usual, if you should need me, and I will come by later to see how you fare.
Sannael: *Sannael hopes she will get a chance to go with Finduilas and keep Lilandra company while Aldir is working in the stables. However, she does not know if this opportunity will present itself, so she says nothing about it right now and only smiles at Lilandra and nods at Finduilas' words.*
Lilandra: *Lilandra released Finduilas's hand and smiles to them warmly and walks away from them and nods to the other servants who greet her and opens the doors and walks out of the kitchen. Lilandra walks through the hallways, approaching her door and then feels another sharp tightening sensation rip through her, a bit more intense than the last and clutches her stomach and staggers against the wall* Oh! *gripping it with her nails as the pain endures for what seems such a long amount of time, hunching over*
Narrator: *The young groom had looked at Aldir questioningly when he had given over the horse to him, but Aldir was not in any mood now for any questions. He walked towards the hall, his mind filled with thoughts of fear, for the Ring had spoken to him of dire things and he was greatly troubled. He came to the servants' entrance at the back of the keep and after opening the door, he walked in. He sees Lilandra in the hallway* Lilandra? *he calls*
Lilandra: *Gritting her teeth throughout this pain which confused and frightened her until she heard Aldir's voice. Her own voice came out sounding alarmed as she turned her head and called back to him* Aldir!
Aldir: *Aldir rushes down the hallway to her and stands beside her* Love! *he exclaims* You are in pain! Do not try to say you are not! *He puts one arm around her shoulder and the other hand on hers* let me get you to our room!
Lilandra: *Her eyebrows are furrowed as she looks over him, but the pain mysteriously disappears again* It is the baby. Something is wrong I think. *she walks slowly and clutches onto him* not know
Aldir: Can you walk? *He exclaims. He looks at her again.* I do not think so. Let me carry you!
Lilandra: No, it is all right now. *her breathing and heartbeat slow down a bit, becoming normal as she steps carefully* The pain has gone. I need to lie down.
Aldir: *Fear and concern written all over his face* Love, the baby, so soon?
Lilandra: *She grips his arm tighter as she is overcome with worry. She had not experienced this type of pain. What it meant, she did not know. Discomfort and light pain she had felt and it had become normal after some time. But this was different. She wondered if it was a problem or if she was about to have the baby. Her eyes welled up with a mix of emotions* I...I do not know, my love.
Aldir: Just walk slowly and lean on me. *He says as he begins helping her to their room. The trip down the hall seems to take forever. At last they reach their door. He releases his hold on her hand and opens the door.* My love, I am sorely worried. *Constantly looking at her, he takes her to the bed* Lie down *he says* I must get Finduilas
Lilandra: *Tears slide down her cheeks as she thinks of the possibility of something horrible happening inside her which might cause her to lose their child. She eases onto the bed slowly and lays on her back as she looks to her husband's face. She knows he is just as scared as she is* Yes....Yes...get Finduilas.
Aldir: *He bends down and kisses her, a panicked look on his face. Then he turns from her and leaves the room without closing the door. He runs down the hall to the kitchen shouting* Finduilas! Finduilas! We need you! Come quickly!
Finduilas: *Hearing his shouts and seeing the distress upon his face, Finduilas becomes alarmed.* Aldir! Is it time! *she cries* Is all well with Lilandra - is she going to have the baby? But it is early!
Aldir: Yes, I think so *he pants, out of breath*
Finduilas: *Finduilas turns to Sannael, who she was training to be a midwife's apprentice* Sannael! Put some water on to boil and bring lots of towels and linens! *She turns to Haleth, who, upon hearing the commotion, entered the kitchen from the great hall to see what was the matter* I am leaving the kitchen in charge of you for the rest of the afternoon. You know what to do. *Haleth nods, agreeing to this, and expresses her hopes that all is well.*
Aldir: Thank you, Finduilas. I am going back to her *he says as he turns and runs from the kitchen*
Sannael: *Sannael has stepped back from the bread she was kneading. She watches them with wide eyes. She presses her lips into a thin line and clutches her apron with white-knuckled fists. She knew some of the things to do when a woman was about to give birth, for she been present when her mother had given birth her brother and when her sisters had been with child, and she, herself, had thought of becoming a midwife before Gondor had fallen.*
Sannael: *She quickly fills a pot and sets it over the fire. Then she runs to the linen closet and returns with an armful of towels. She asks Haleth to watch the pot of water, then hurries down the hall after Finduilas.*
Aldir: *Slowing his pace to a walk as he comes to the door, he enters the room, closing the door behind him and locks it.* Love, there is little I know about these matters
Lilandra: *She keeps one hand on her stomach and reaches out for him with the other* Oh love! Do you suppose the baby it alright?
Aldir: *Standing by the head of the bed, he takes her hand in his. He leans down and kisses her* Finduilas will be here. She will know what to do. I think our son is fine *he says, not sure if he believes what he said*
Lilandra: *Lilandra brings his hand up to her face and presses her cheek firmly against it* He has to be love. He must!
Aldir: My love, I am sure everything is well *he says, and beads of perspiration begin to appear on his forehead*
Lilandra: *Not even knowing if the baby will be a boy or girl but at this point she just hopes it is well. She too feels it will be a boy. She cannot contain the fear she feels and tears roll over her cheek and onto his hand*
Finduilas: *Finduilas enters the room, followed by Sannael, whose arms are filled with clean towels and linens. Finduilas looks to Lilandra... so dreadfully pale she seems, not at all healthy. She bites her lip, filled with worry, which is evident in her voice and quick words.* Lilandra, have your travails begun?
Finduilas: *Looking to Aldir, she says apologetically* Aldir, I am sorry, but you must leave, for twould not be proper for you to be here..
Aldir: She is my wife *he says emphatically* and I will remain! Perhaps I can be of help
Finduilas: *This goes against all the standards that she knows, but considering what this couple has been through, the dreadful trials and torments that have been laid upon them, she merely nods and says* Very well.
Lilandra: *Lilandra grips Aldir's hand tightly* He must stay! I need him here *she begins to sob*
Sannael: *Sannael smiles awkwardly to Aldir, then places the pile of towels and linens on a chair. She pours cool water from a pitcher on the nightstand into a bowl, then dips a washcloth in it and touches the washcloth to Lilandra's forehead.* It is all right; Aldir is here.
Aldir: Do not cry, love *he implores as he rubs her shoulders* I will stay. An army could not drive me from here
Finduilas: *She goes to Lilandra* You are going to have to stand up; I will help you. Let us get these blankets off the bed and spread the linen upon it, and then you can lie back. *She extends her hand to Lilandra*
Sannael: *Sannael calls up all her memories of the birth of her little brother, who died in the war, along with her mother. The memories of what she has seen make her feel more confident of her abilities to help in this situation. She waits to cover the bed with the linens.*
Aldir: My love, you must do what she says! *He moves away from her, standing ready to help in any way he can*
Lilandra: *Lilandra's hands shake as she looks from face to face and she nods, trusting Finduilas and obeying her. She takes both of Aldir's hands and eases off of the bed*
Aldir: *He helps her to her feet and feels how she is trembling* Lean against me, love. All will be well *he says in what he thinks is a reassuring voice*
Sannael: *Sannael picks up the pile of linens and arranges them on the bed, making a thick layer. She looks to Finduilas and nods. The bed is ready for Lilandra now.*
Lilandra: *Lilandra holds onto him and then gasps and cries out in pain as another wave passes over her and her legs feel weak and she drapes into Aldir's arms*
Aldir: *Aldir puts his arms under her, lifting her up, then places her gently upon the bed* Love! *he almost shouts*
Lilandra: *Lilandra breathes heavily and looks up to him and adjusts herself as best she can on the linens once the pain subsides again*
Aldir: *Standing by the bed, Aldir puts his hand on her cheek and massages her stomach with the other*
Lilandra: *Lilandra smiles to Aldir, unable to imagine not having him by her side. He has been the only support and the only person she has needed ever in her life. To not have him here when she needed him most would make this unbearable. With all that has happened to them, she never wanted him away from her. Especially after such nightmares and torments had plagued her for so long about this event*
Finduilas: *Finduilas looks to Sannael* Go and make her some warm tea with herbs that will help her pain.
Sannael: *Sannael nods, then walks briskly from the room. In the kitchen, she puts a kettle of hot water over the fire, and soon has a strong brew of chamomile tea. She puts the pot of tea and a teacup with a saucer on a tray, then brings it to Lilandra's room.* This soothing draught should ease the pain. *she puts the tray on a table, pours a cup of tea, and holds it out to Lilandra*
Aldir: *He nods to Sannael* Thank you
Sannael: *She smiles back to Aldir, then turns to Lilandra, waiting for her to take the tea.*
Lilandra: *Lilandra extends slightly trembling hands and takes the cup and brings it to her mouth and takes a small sip of the warm liquid. She closes her eyes and feels it pass through her system and then takes another sip before handing it back to Sannael*
Finduilas: *Finduilas smiles to Lilandra* There, that should make you feel a little better. How do you fare now? Is there anything we could get you?
Lilandra: *About to take the cup again, but Lilandra is hit with another dose of pain within and her eyes close tightly as she cries out again and her legs curl up to her stomach, her hands clenching the linens*
Aldir: *He looks at her with concern. He moves one hand to her forehead and the other hand massages her stomach, slowly and rhythmically* I am glad, my love, that you have asked me to be here in this time of our son's birth.
Sannael: *Sannael puts down the cup, feeling a strong impulse to do something to help, but then she realizes they cannot truly do anything about the labor contractions. Glancing toward Finduilas, Sannael continues to murmur reassurances, that Lilandra will come through this, and everything will be fine, though she worries for the health of the mother and her baby.*
Finduilas: *Finduilas goes over to the table, upon which sit the basins of water. She takes soap and washes her hands, then rinses them, with fresh water from a pitcher. Approaching the bed, she looks to Lilandra, and says apologetically* Lilandra, I am sorry, but I must look to see how you are doing.
Lilandra: *She relaxes as the painful tension ends and nods to Finduilas and says through hard breathing* Yes Finduilas. Please. I need to know my baby is going to be alright
Aldir: Lilandra *he says gently, still massaging her stomach, keeping his other hand on her brow* the tea will make you feel easier. From what I know of what nature tells me, you should perhaps breathe deeply and then when you feel pain push. My observations from my being an agrarian.
Lilandra: *Lilandra moves her hand to hold onto Aldir's forearm and looks to Sannael* Please..dear...bring the cup to my lips
Sannael: *smiles to Lilandra* There you are, Lilandra *she picks up the cup and holds it to Lilandra's lips*
Lilandra: *Lilandra sips the tea and it does feel good as she swallows it and leans her head back when she is through* Thank you
Aldir: *He shuts his eyes and looks towards the West, praying silently to the Valar. He strokes the hair from Lilandra's face, his hand never moving from her stomach, massaging it constantly*
Lilandra: *Her forehead is beaded with perspiration and her chest rises and falls with her quick breathing. She kneads Aldir's arm and looks up to him, wanting so badly to give him a healthy child*
Finduilas: *Finduilas looks to Aldir and nods* You have a wise husband, Lilandra, and what he says is true. You should push, and try to breathe through the pain, and he should continue to massage your stomach.
Finduilas: *she walks over to her and pulls her skirts back, spreading her legs gently apart. Then smoothing the material back down, she looks to Lilandra and says* All looks well, but there is a little blood; this is normal, so do not be afraid.
Finduilas: *Finduilas goes over to the table and after wetting a rag, she returns to Lilandra, lifting her skirts once more and cleansing her, then lowers the material again.* You should be all right, it just will take a little time. *she smiles reassuringly, then goes back to the table to wring out the cloth and wash her hands*
Sannael: *Sannael puts the cup back on the tray, then returns to Lilandra's bedside. She pats the woman's arm* It seems to be a quick labor. Hopefully it will not be much longer.
Aldir: *He moves his hand away from her forehead, mopping his brow with his sleeve. Turning to Sannael, he says* Give me a cloth, please
Lilandra: *Lilandra smiles lightly to the women, comforted a little by their words but still she fears. Always she fears. She is overcome with emotion as she looks over all of them. How she was so grateful to have them all at her side. She had worried about this day for so long. She started to feel the rush of anticipation to hold their baby in her arms. Her eyes begin to well with tears once more*
Sannael: *Sannael nods, dips the washcloth in the cool water again, wrings it out, and hands it to Aldir*
Aldir: Thank you, Sannael *he says as he takes the damp cloth from her hand. Then bending down, he wipes Lilandra's forehead* I am with you, my love
Lilandra: *She stares deeply into Aldir's eyes and she feels the cool cloth run over her brow and she can sense his fear. She winces as she places her hand on the bed and shifts her position a bit to try and get more comfortable. She whimpers at the pain and heaviness she feels in her stomach. She wished she knew more about birth and what was normal and what was not. But her thoughts were interrupted by another, more excruciating sensation. She reached out for Aldir and yelled loudly*
Aldir: Dearest, *he said, wiping her brow again* just a little longer, I think. Push, push! *He holds her hand tighter, wincing at the pain she is in*
Lilandra: *She presses her lips tightly together, trying to stifle her screams, but this time the pain lasts long and she fears it will not go away. She tries to gather her sense and do as she was instructed. Tears squeeze out from the corners of her tightly closed eyes and she cries out and bends her legs more and pushes. Gnashing her teeth now at the agonizing pain and intense heat she feels. One hand grips Aldir's arm while the other balls the linens in her fist. She grunts and becomes tired and out of breath and leans her head back and inhales deeply and the wave passes. Nervous about the way this last episode was. Scared in wondering how long this was going to last.*
Aldir: Feeling powerless, Aldir stands beside Lilandra. Hearing her screams, his heart wrenched at the sound of them, he gently mops her forehead.*
Sannael: *She holds the cup of chamomile tea to Lilandra's lips, but knows it is virtually powerless against the late stages of labor pain. The only thing they can do is offer support and encourage Lilandra to push.*
Lilandra: *She slowly lifts her head and brings her mouth over to the cup and as it is tilted she drinks and then her head falls back again, trying to prepare for the next fit of agony. Lilandra strokes Aldir's arm and keeps her eyes fixed on him for comfort*
Aldir: Lilandra, I love you *he says, wiping her forehead again. Shutting his eyes tightly, he offers another prayer again to Eru for protection of his wife and child. Then his ring begins to speak to him. "Why do you give prayers to the false God? He will not help your wife and child.. He wishes them dead. There is hope for them, though, but it lies not with the powerless. Look to the East for your comfort!"*
Finduilas: *Finduilas wets the cloth again, then returns to Lilandra's side. She pulls her skirts back, laying them upon her stomach, then places a sheet over her. Gently spreading her legs apart once again, she cleanses her, mopping up the blood, and sees to the progress that she is making. Then, laying the sheet back down upon Lilandra for her modesty, Finduilas says* The baby is coming. At your next travail, you should push harder. You can do this; it should not be much longer and both you and the baby will be well. *she smiles reassuringly, then goes to wring out the cloth and wash again*
Lilandra: *Her head darts up instantly at Finduilas's words and her mouth parts and her eyes widen and then she looks to Aldir* Oh love!
Aldir: Finduilas, can you say how long this agony must go on for her? *He swears, "Never again will she be put through this torture!"*
Finduilas: *She looks back to Aldir from her washing* It should not be much longer, Aldir, and then you both can hold your new baby. *she smiles at him* Sannael, get her some more tea; that should help the pain a little and ease the birth.
Sannael: *Sannael pours another cup of tea and holds it to Lilandra's lips, supporting the back of her head to help her drink it with ease.*
Lilandra: *Lilandra's lips tremble as does her body as she moves to take another sip. Now there is a steady pain, different from the waves she felt. A constant and almost indescribable feeling of pressure, heat aches and saturated pain as if her insides were being ripped. The way it felt made her worry about what was really happening to her body and the baby. She groaned and felt another wave... but this time it was a wave of despair as she felt a fiery pain on her finger which the ring encircled. She gasped and filled with fear, breathing hard*
Lilandra: *Her cheeks grew hot and she concentrated on the pain and fear she felt. Still so much was unknown of how this would turn out and was reminded and tormented of all the horrible thoughts she has had in the past about this day. She practically writhed on the bed as her shaking hand held onto Aldir so tightly and then she was stabbed by the pain of another travail Lilandra sat up more and began to push again. Shutting her eyes tightly and opening her mouth wide, expelling loud screams*
Aldir: *He hears the voice, the Ring taunting him. "Both your wife and child shall die. The child will not live to make one cry. Why," the Voice of the Ring says soothingly, seductively, "do you not seek help from the True Source? Look to the Power that lies within the Ring and to the Giver of that Power, the Master of the Dark Land!"*
Aldir: *Not understanding why, his right hand goes to her right hand. Clenching her hand tightly, his Ring over hers, he feels a power surging through his Ring, his finger, to her, and the voice of the Ring lulls him, "Yes, yes..." and then stops as suddenly as it began. Aldir feels peace such as he has never known before. He whispers to himself* All will be well
Finduilas: *Finduilas looks over to Sannael and tells her* Sannael, when Lilandra feels like drinking, give her some more tea, and then give her a cloth so she can bite down on it and so help endure her pain.
Sannael: *She nods to Finduilas and twists a clean cloth into a tight rope. She holds the teacup to Lilandra's lips again, offering her another drink, and waits with the twisted cloth in the other hand*
Finduilas: *Finduilas returns to Lilandra and moving the sheet aside, she cleanses her again. Speaking in a reassuring voice, she says* Keep pushing, Lilandra, at the next travail; it will not be too much longer, dear, and then you can hold the baby in your arms. *then she goes back to wring out the cloth*
Lilandra: *She falls back again, inhaling and exhaling deeply and rubs her hand around her stomach. She moved her hand up and reached out to Aldir, wanting to bring his face to hers*
Aldir: *He bends down and kisses her forehead, thinking to himself, "I gave into it. At last it has me, where He has wanted me all along. The Ring is still now and I have peace." The Ring is silent but glows warmly on his hand, savoring the victory. "But at least the lives of my wife and child will not be forfieted now."*
Lilandra: *Lilandra places her hand on Aldir's head and slides her fingers through his hair and tilts her face and brushes her lips over his. Her back hurt so much and the sustaining pain within was becoming unbearable. But she would endure any torture just to have this baby born healthy. She moved her mouth away from his face and her hand left his head and she slammed her palms on the bed as she felt the most excruciating pain yet. Thrusting her body almost upright and tensing, she began to push, letting loose guttural screams*
Aldir: *"Prayers to the One are useless, meaningless. There is only one Power, and my Ring beats to Its pulse." The battle that had raged in him for months now done and conceided as the fifth falls to the power of the Ring. "But what does it matter," he thinks. Long had he been tortured with the knowledge that if he did not yield to the Source of the Ring's power, both Lilandra and the child would die. But now, vanquished at last, Aldir remains by her bed at peace and confident. He says softly to her* Nothing can harm you now, love, treasure of my life.
Lilandra: *Lilandra's teeth clamp down on the cloth and her screams become muffled. She pushes as much as she can and becomes more drained. She unclenches her teeth a bit and breathes deeply, moaning, then braces herself again and pushes and bites back down on the cloth. Veins protrude in her neck and temples as she gives her all.*
Finduilas: *Finduilas goes back to Lilandra and moves the sheet aside.* Ah, this is good, good. I can see the baby's head now. *she says excitedly, then cleanses the woman* It shall not be much longer. *she speaks in encouraging tones, trying to hearten Lilandra, and bring her comfort. So many evil things have befallen the poor lady. Finduilas quickly returns to the table and wrings out the cloth, then stands at the ready with another wet cloth*
Lilandra: *Lilandra's body is in a state of discomfort, pain and exhaustion. She becomes overwhelmed when Finduilas announces that the baby's head can be seen. She gives a tired smile to Aldir and her heart races. She lays back, slumped a bit, knowing she has to bring forth the energy to push again. Her brows furrow as she looks to Finduilas and Sannael, knowing what she must do and moves up again and breathes heavily and holds onto the bed and Aldir and her teeth press down on the cloth and her head tilts forward and she pushes hard...her body shaking as she grunts*
Finduilas: *Finduilas moves the sheet and cleanses Lilandra again.* I can see more of the babe's head now.. it shall not be much longer. Keep pushing! *Then looking over to Sannael, she says* Sannael, take this cloth and rinse it out, then bring it back. I will stay here with Lilandra.
Sannael: *Sannael takes the cloth from Finduilas, rinses it in a basin of water, wrings it out, and brings it back to Finduilas*
Lilandra: *She takes a break from pushing and moans and sobs as the pain in her middle makes it hard to even find the strength to go on. But with one thought of her husband she grits her teeth and pushes with all of her might*
Aldir: *Calmly he says* Lilandra, 'twill not be much longer that you have to be doing this, and all will be well. I love you so much *he says and thinks, "The cost to me might be high, but it is worth it to save them." He moves his Ring finger across her finger back and forth slowly.*
Finduilas: *With Lilandra's mighty push, the baby finally comes out, the rest of the head, then the shoulders, and the little body, and then a rush of blood. Finduilas becomes alarmed and looks to Lilandra*
Lilandra: *Such intense pressure and a surge of pain and then her eyes meet Finduilas's. All seems to go in slow motion as the only thing heard is her heavy breathing. One thing she knew for sure from the stories the other women have told her of was painful and the baby always cried upon delivery. She kept her wide stare on Finduilas before she let out a long wail* She clutches Aldir and shivers as fear consumes her* no!
Finduilas: Sannael! *Finduilas cries* Dip fresh cloths in the warm water, then wring it out and bring them back to me!
Sannael: *Without stopping to reply, Sannael moves even faster than before. In a flash, the warm, damp cloths are in Finduilas' hands.*
Aldir: *"Dark Master, hear my plea, a one new to Thy service. Spare my wife and Thou hast me, my soul, my all, my blood, my will. Thou hast promised this to me, If I will but yield. I yield to Thee. Dark Power, take me!" he thinks and he bows his head, and then bringing his hand away from hers, he kisses the Ring on his finger.*
Lilandra: *She cries from the panic she feels and still she feels so much pain in her body. She moans and tries to see what is happening with her child*
Finduilas: *Finduilas takes the warm cloth and bends down, gently rubbing the baby's nose and cleansing the mouth, her movements quick and urgent, yet delicate and careful. Soon the little face scrunches up and begins to cry, the baby alive and well. Beaming in relief, she murmurs softly to the baby, then looks to Lilandra* Oh, Lilandra! It is a boy!
Lilandra: *Lilandra's heart felt as if it only started to beat again once she heard her baby's cry. Her twisted expression of fear turns to one of elation. She still cries but a relieved laugh is with it. She can hear only that of her child's cry. She wants so much to hold it close to her but she cannot fight the exhaustion she feels and falls back down and turns her head to Aldir finally.*
Finduilas: Sannael, get me string and a knife so that I can tie off and cut the cord and present the new mother with her child. *Finduilas cleanses the baby with the wet, warm rags*
Aldir: Nay, Sannael! *He exclaims* I want to do this! I have a dagger!
Sannael: *Tears shine in Sannael's eyes. She looks toward the pot of boiling water, which another servant has just brought in, then to Aldir* Very well, let me dip it in the water to cleanse it. *She dips the string in the hot water, then hands it to Finduilas*
Aldir: Nay, Sannael, *he says as he pulls the dagger from the sheath at his belt, and then pulling it across the palm of his left hand, he cuts his hand, rubbing his blood over his Ring* Take the knife *he commands*
Finduilas: *Finduilas takes the string from Sannael and wraps it around the cord tightly, then looks up in bewilderment at Aldir, her brow furrowing in confusion*
Aldir: Take it, Sannael, and give it to Finduilas, and if you tarry, girl, I will cut the cord myself!
Sannael: *Sannael is just as confused as Findulas. She looks awkwardly to Aldir, frightened, and takes the dagger from him. She holds it hesitantly, looking at the blood. Frowning in concern, she gives Finduilas the dagger.*
Lilandra: A boy my love. *a soft, slow smile appears on her pale, tired face* You were right.
Finduilas: *Aldir is acting most strange, very peculiar for such a man possessing a gentle temperament. It is highly unusual, and Finduilas knows not what to think. But those two have had such a hard time, him being forced to labor on the roads, and her taken and held prisoner by that monster Vartang. If they were to act a little strange from time to time, it would be quite understandable, for who could escape unscathed from such trials and miseries?*
Finduilas: *Finduilas takes the dagger from Aldir, then bends down and cuts the cord, then hands Aldir back his dagger. She finishes cleaning the baby, then takes linens from the pile that Sannael put at the bottom of the bed and wraps the baby in them. Holding the babe in her arms, she walks over to Lilandra. A smile is on her face and she says softly* Here is your child, dear, a fine son!
Aldir: *Clenching his bleeding right hand, the blood flowing through his fingers and dripping to the floor, he thinks, "Her life for mine and my blood an offering. Some would count the cost dear. I do not, for without Lilandra, I am nothing."* A fine son, my love. He shall be named Daeron!
Lilandra: *Tears spill freely from her eyes as she looks to her swaddled son and her arms slowly and carefully reach out to take him. She brings the now quieted baby to her breast and gently smoothes her finger over his tiny face. Her heart pounds and is tugged out as she looks to the little being that she and her dear husband had created now in the flesh and in her arms. Her eyes roam over it like the finest treasure. She moves aside the cloth around it a bit and finds his little hands and then his feet. She can not believe how perfect he is. She struggles to find her voice for it is caught between the overwhelming emotion in her throat. She instead looks to Aldir in a silent exchange of understanding of the greatest love between them and their child.*
Aldir: Give me my son, Lilandra *he says, his voice sounding remote* I wish to hold him, the gift beyond hope. *He looks to Sannael* Sannael, a cloth, so I may bind my hand.
Sannael: *Sannael smiles to the new parents, then hands Aldir a clean cloth.*
Lilandra: *Her soft expression changes a bit as she examines her husband after he speaks about his hand. She becomes unease at his surprising tone and mood*
Aldir: *He takes the cloth from Sannael and wraps the cloth around and around his left hand* The child, Lilandra. I must bless him
Lilandra: *She stares at him for a moment* Aldir?
Aldir: He will be a great man someday, a warrior, I think. But he must be blessed by his father
Lilandra: *Her eyebrows furrow and her eyes leave his face and look to his hand. She holds onto their son, and resents the dread she feels well inside her once again even at this wonderful event. Feeling weak and her hands trembling, she carefully passes him their son*
Aldir: *He bends down and picks up his son and holding him in his arms, he first kisses his Ring, then the child's forehead* My son, my son *he says softly* Truly you are a gift!
Lilandra: *Lilandra smiles softly as she sees Aldir holding their son. She winces at the pain she still feels in her middle and groans and tries to shift her position but her body is too weak. She whimpers as she tries to sit up but figures she should just stay as she is. Her head remains lowered on the pillow and she just stares at the two most important people in her life* I love you Aldir and you, Daeron, my son.
Aldir: I shall not keep him long, my love, *he says and smiles for the first time in days. Just a little longer and I will relinquish him to you.
Lilandra: Hold him close my love. It is a joy to see him in your arms *her voice is soft and her eyelids open and close slowly*
Aldir: Well, my love, upon close inspection, I believe he favors you far more than me *he says and smiles again*
Lilandra: *She looks into Aldir's eyes* A father...after all these years. A most beloved father and husband
Finduilas: *Finduilas looks away from Lilandra and Aldir, and notices that blood begins to saturate the sheets. The afterbirth, she thinks, and goes to Lilandra, pulling the sheet aside.* Sannael, get me warm cloths, for we are not yet through. She must first pass the afterbirth.
Sannael: *Sannael dips more cloths in the warm water, then brings the damp cloths to Finduilas*
Finduilas: *Finduilas takes the cloths from Sannael, then gently moves Lilandra's legs apart, cleansing her. Then she kneads her stomach gently, to aid in the passing of the afterbirth.*
Lilandra: *Her attention is diverted from Aldir to Finduilas as she speaks and is confused. Lilandra winces and her face twists once more as she feels another shooting pain inside her and becomes alarmed* What? Finduilas! What now?
Finduilas: *Finduilas looks to Lilandra and says reassuringly* Just the afterbirth, dear - after you pass it, all will be fine, and we can get you all cleaned up. *Finduilas kneads Lilandra's stomach more, then begins to clean the blood as it comes out, putting the cloths aside for Sannael to take, wring out and rinse*
Sannael: *Sannael works steadily, alternately cleaning the cloths and returning them to Finduilas*
Lilandra: *She bites her lip and looks to Finduilas. Hardly any strength left. She lets her head fall back to the pillow and just lays there in total discomfort, moaning*
Lilandra: *Lilandra rolls her head to the side and tries to replace her pain with becoming lost in the splendor of her newborn son*
Finduilas: *Finduilas keeps cleansing Lilandra, then kneading her stomach to help push out the blood. When cloths become soiled, Sannael takes them and rinses them out. There is an awfully lot of blood, Finduilas thinks; perhaps too much. She bites the inside of her cheek as she works, her brow furrowing slightly in concern.*
Aldir: *He cradles the baby in his arms and then walks around the floor carrying him*
Lilandra: *Lilandra's eyes follow Aldir's every movement as he walks, holding Daeron*
Finduilas: *Finduilas continues to mop up the blood, Sannael ever taking the used cloths and bringing back clean ones. Her worry increases steadily, for the blood does not seem to be stopping.*
Lilandra: *Lilandra's breathing slows and her smile remains as she stares at them from beneath her heavy eyelids. "Her son is born...and he is healthy." Her eyes slip shut*
Aldir: Lilandra! *he says softly* Our son is healthy, strong and well. You should rest, my love.
Lilandra: *Lilandra does not respond to him and lays peacefully and still on the bed*
Aldir: Finduilas, she is pale, wan. Is this natural? *he says, alarm now in his voice*
Finduilas: *She looks up to Aldir, worry upon her face, but she does not want to say anything that would overly alarm him* Well, there is a lot of blood, I daresay more than what is common, but I think she will fare well. The blood should stop soon, I hope. *she returns to her task of mopping up the blood, and prays silently that all will be well, like she said.*
Aldir: Sannael, *he says, walking over to her* put the child in the crib prepared over yonder. He places the child in her arms and goes back to the bed. He kneels beside the bed and takes Lilandra's hand in his, kissing it all over, the palm, the top.* Lilandra, my love *he says* you have been through so much. I love you, my darling
Lilandra: *Her hand, which has become, like her face, almost as white as the linens, drapes in his grasp. Her eyes remain closed but a slight smile still graces the corners of her mouth*
Aldir: *He clasps her hand in both of his and bends over and puts his forehead on her hand. "You must live, my love," he thinks to himself.*
Finduilas: *So much blood, Finduilas thinks. She bites the inside of her cheek harder, and wipes the side of her sweaty forehead against her shoulder. Many women have bled to death after giving birth. She prayed that this would not happen to poor Lilandra! After wiping Lilandra off again, she calls to Sannael, who is tending to the baby Daeron in his crib.* Sannael, get me some clean, boiled cloths
Finduilas: *Sannael fetches them, and then hands them to Finduilas. Finduilas rolls them and packs them between Lilandra's legs. She knows that the new mother has fallen into a swoon, and this worries her greatly*
Aldir: *Her hand tightly clenched in his, his forehead pressed against her hand, his shoulders begin to shake, and his tears slide onto her hand. The Ring speaks again. "You are her husband. You have power. Draw her into it. Dedicate her now. She is bound to obey you by her vows. Consecrate her," the Ring tells him. He straightens up and eases her forward with his left hand. Pulling her right hand down with his right hand, his Ring over hers, he covers the ring in the blood between her legs. The Ring laughs*
Finduilas: *Finduilas looks to Aldir in confusion, for he is acting most strange indeed, not like himself. Even Sannael notices it as she keeps watch over the baby in his crib.*
Aldir: *Easing her back down, he moves her hand back and places it on her stomach. "It is done," he thinks, and begins to hates himself, as the full realization of what he has done begins to dawn on him.*
Lilandra: *Lilandra's lips and face have gone white and she had draped almost lifeless in his arms and now was eased back. She remained still and quiet but her mind raced as she lay unconscious. Her right hand twitched a bit and her chest started to rise and fall in quicker breaths. Eyes still closed but her brows furrowed*
Finduilas: *Finduilas has been keeping a close watch to see if the blood would lessen or continue to seep out and stain the cloth red, and seeing that the flow had slackened and that Lilandra's breathing was becoming less shallow, she breathes a sigh of relief. Lilandra would live! Finduilas kept that hope. Something good would happen to these two for a change. She removed the cloths she had packed between Lilandra's legs for the white material was soiled, and spreading a pad of clean linen beneath her, she had Sannael fetch her new strips of boiled linen. Then she made another pad and packed it there snugly.*
Finduilas: *She looks up to Aldir, smiling wearily* The blood has lessened, and I think that she will be all right. She will need to be cleaned up, but I think it would be best if she just rest for the time, for she is spent from the birth.
Finduilas: *Finduilas takes a clean sheet and covers Lilandra up, then goes back to the wash basin and washes her hands and arms. Sannael rocks the cradle gently and looks down at Daeron, who sleeps peacefully, unaware of the peril that his mother was in.*
Aldir: *Sliding his hand from behind her back, he places it on Lilandra's forehead, smoothing the hair back. Then he bends down and kisses her and drapes his other hand over her Ring.*


Lilandra and Daeron did survive. Aldir made his choice - the lives of his wife and son for his allegiance to the Dark Lord and his Ring. Legends say that in years to come, they would all pass into the East, where he became a mighty warrior in the legions of Sauron and one of the Dark Master's own. Never did he go with Frodo Baggins on his return journey to the Shire and here the tale of Aldir, Lilandra and Daeron comes to a halt. Yet wise men say more of their story is recorded in the Annals of the East and in The Circles.

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