The Circles: Book Nine: Beneath the Nurnian Sky

Nurn: A land of pastoral beauty, of lush vineyards, fields of plenty, and a majestic sea of deepest azure. However, despite its fair climate and idyllic countryside, a sense of dark evil permeates the realm, sometimes barely noticeable, other times palpably oppressive.

Elfhild and Elffled are new students at the School of Industry, an elite academy dedicated to training female servants of Mordor. The school seems an unexpected boon to them, for they have been given an opportunity to receive an education, something which they never would have had in Rohan. Few things are free in the Land of Gifts, however, and this education comes at a price.

When Goldwyn finds herself the concubine of a wealthy slave trader whom she loathes, she laments her miserable existence. Her disdain for her unwanted husband carries over to every member of his household, from his other two wives to the lowliest servant of the house. However, could she find allies where she least expects them?

Some chapters may have violent and/or sexual themes.
For mature readers only.

This book is in its second draft right now. Minor edits will be made to the text before it is posted to public fanfiction archives.

Map of Mordor and Nurn

What do you think of the story?
Write directly to Elfhild or post comments to The Circles Discussion Forum.

Chapter 1 - A New Home (3/25/24)
Chapter 2 - The Lady's Chambers (4/21/24)
Chapter 3 - New Friends, New Knowledge (6/2/24)
Chapter 4 - The Merchant's Household (6/15/24)
Chapter 5 - At Home with the Family (7/21/24)
Chapter 6 - The School of Industry (8/3/24)
Chapter 7 - A Day of Learning (8/11/24)
Chapter 8 - Artists and Thespians (9/1/24)
Chapter 9 - A Nurnian Villa (9/14/24)
Chapter 10 - A Captive Audience (9/29/24)

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