
Portrayed by Wraith

Vardamir of Dol Amroth, age 22, a distant cousin of Prince Imrahil, became restless during his later teen years and bid his parents goodbye and set off as a wanderer, promising that someday he would return home. Indued with the Elvish qualities of the Edain of Dol Amroth, descendants of Numenoreans and Elves, he became adapt in living the woodlands, mountains and streams of Gondor, shooting game with his bow and arrow, setting snares for small game, and fishing in the streams. Often he sat on a rock by a rushing stream and played his harp and sang Elvish songs.

Fulfilling his promise to return home to his family at the age of 21, he returned to Dol Amroth. Grieved to learn that war with Mordor was becoming more and more inevitable every day, he parted once again from his family and friends to set out for Minas Tirith to volunteer to serve in the Army of Gondor.

While there in training, he became friends with Captain Aldir, leader of a company of foot soldiers. Captain Aldir and he fought back to back in a losing struggle in the concluding moments of battle, but were overcome by orcs and captured. As were all the captured soldiers of the West, his head was shaved, as were the head and beard of the captain, and both were later branded.

His first impression of Shakh Baggins was the same as was his impression of all those of Mordor; Vardamir knows they are all mad, incredibly, hoplessly mad. Realizing that resistance and struggle against them would be futile, he determined to await his chances, silently steal off into the night and escape.

Sometimes moody, sometimes contemplative, but always brave, headstrong and restless, Vardamir dreams of one day journeying to Rivendell and ultimately of returning to Dol Amroth because he yearns once again to see the sea and play his harp as the waves break upon the shore.

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