Subject to change at any moment.
March 13 - Frodo stung by Shelob and captured by orcs at Cirith
March 14 - Sam finds Frodo and they escape.
March 15 - Battle of Pelenor. Win for Mordor against the armies
of the West, but both sides suffered horrible casualties. Death
of Merry and Theoden; capture of Eowyn. Eowyn is enchanted by
a potion and thinks she is in love with the Witch-King, even though
he is her captor. Ashgaz tried to prevent Eowyn from becoming
enchanted by spilling the potion and calling upon the name of
Elbereth. Angmar condemns Ashgaz to a pit of snakes.
March 16 - Khamul asks Angmar to release Ashgaz from the snakes.
Angmar is angry at them both because he was busy with his "conquest
of Rohan." Madurz confronts Angmar with her past, but he
claims he can remember nothing. He causes her to have horrifying
visions of snakes curling about her. Khamul and Ashgaz are also
cursed with fire and ice.
March 17 - Khamul goes on scouting mission over the Pelenor Fields.
He taunts the troops there, but Elfhelm, the captain of Merry
and Eowyn's eored, challenges him. Khamul gives Elfhelm a mortal
blow but in Elfhelm's dying moments, he stabs Khamul in the right
thigh with Merry's blade of Westernsee. Khamul's beast receives
a mortal wound by an arrow and in its death struggles flies many
miles off course, finally landing in the East Emnet of Rohan.
First day in search for Khamul. Sam's sword and mithril coat taken
to Lugburz by Shagrat.
March 18 - Second day in search for Khamul. Frodo and Sam captured
by orcs again at Isenmouthe. Discovery that they are hobbits.
March 19 - Third day in search for Khamul. The Witch-King takes
Madurz and Ashgaz on the search. Khamul is found, but Madurz and
Ashgaz are left behind after the Witch-King takes him back to
Lugburz. That night, Angmar releases Eowyn from the first spell
and her senses are restored. She knows then she hates him.
March 20 - Madurz and Ashgaz wander in the wilderness. Angmar
torments Eowyn.
March 21 - They come to Amon Hen and have visions. Madurz just
saw Mordor. Ashgaz saw Khamul in the spirit world and also looked
at the Shire. Meeting with Niethan.
March 22 - Boat journey on the Anduin.
March 23 - Boat journey on the Anduin.
March 24 - Boat journey on the Anduin. Nazgul on fell beast sighted.
The last shreds of Niethan's sanity come undone and he thinks
he talks to the spirits of the dead. She loses her memory and
thinks she is a girl called Maltriel. Under effects of the potion
and spell, Eowyn thinks she sees Angmar's face, and she thinks
it is the face of Aragorn, whom she loves at this point.
March 25 - Sauron gets the Ring back. Sam becomes a wraith. Boat
journey on the Anduin. Madurz and Ashgaz arrive at ruins of Osgaliath
and go to the east side of the river. They walk up the road towards
Minas Morgul where they are met by orcs. A fight breaks out between
Ashgaz, Niethan and the orcs. The Witch-King lands his fell beast
and takes Madurz back to Lugburz. Ashgaz left behind to supervise
the orcs guarding Niethan. Angmar tells Eowyn that she was from
Gondor, a "vassal state of Mordor." She wants to be
a shieldmaiden of Mordor and fight against the "overwhelming
forces of the West." He gives her something to "help
her sleep" but mixed with the sleeping potion was an increased
dose of the potion that bemuses her mind and makes her think that
he is really Aragorn.
March 26 - Late that night, Number Three comes for Ashgaz and
takes him back to Minas Morgul. Angmar gives Eowyn sword lessons,
but she fails miserably. He tells her that he will have a master
swordsman teach her.
March 27 - Ashgaz is given permission to see his master Khamul
again, but Khamul still rambles about doom, Valinor and judgment.
Madurz walks by the hall and hears him calling and goes in. Khamul
becomes intermittently lucid, but does recognize them both and
then falls into a trance-like sleep.
March 28 - Ashgaz is wounded by the orc who has vowed vengance
upon Khamul
March 31 - Reluctantly, Khamul says goodbye to Madurz and goes
on another scout to the southern fiefdoms of Gondor.
April 1 - Lorien falls (According to Elrond's calculations)
April 3 - Farewell to Ashgaz. Ashgaz and Sam meet. Number Three
and Khamul get into a betting game. Number Three offers ten horses
for Ashgaz in a bet.
April 4 - Khamul and Madurz go to Gondor. Ashgaz left behind.
April 9 - Khamul and Madurz arrive at Gondor.
April 10 - First rain storm from the West descends.
April 21 - Angmar, Eowyn, Sam and Ashgaz set out for Gondor.
April 26 - Angmar, Eowyn, Sam and Ashgaz arrive in Gondor.
May 1 - Ashgaz and Sam free Niethan and other prisoners forced
to work on the bridge at Osgiliath.
May 2 - Ashgaz and Sam punished by Angmar. Sam sentenced to remain
under Angmar's chair for eternity; Peter sent back to Khamul with
a warning.
May 3 - Discussion with Ashgaz of Maltriel's fate
May 10 - Sam and Ashgaz final farewell
May 11 - Sam arrives in Lugburz and is reunited with Frodo, who
is chained to Sauron's throne, with Carcharoth the Wolf. The army
sets out towards Edoras on the Great West Road. Fighting continues
in Southern Gondor
May 12 - The army camps near Eilenach, 40 miles from Minas Tirith.
May 12-24 - The Army of Mordor continues on the Great West Road
towards Rohan.
May 15 - The Corsairs leave Southern Gondor and pretend to sail
down to the Bay of Belfalas. Instead, they sail south a while
and then head back towards the Anduin. The Haradrim pretend to
fall back and retreat east. Then they head north to Minas Tirith
and follow the rest of the army on the Great West Road.
May 16 - Survivors retreat from Southern Gondor and go to the
Fords of Isen, 400 miles away. This takes 30 days.
May 16 - Work on the Great Temple to Sauron in Minas Tirith temporarily
suspends. Building will resume on June 30, after the plague has
spent its course and it will be safe for men to go back to Minas
May 24 - Khamul goes into the Firien Wood and challenges the Valar.
He was given a warning from the Powers while he was there. The
warning given is, "Only this. Only so far. You will break
yourself against the Wizard's Wall and though you may profane
Minas Tirith, the Temple that you build will surely fall."
May 25 - Ashgaz denounces Mordor and flees. The Army of Mordor
camps a second day near the Merring Stream on the Border of Rohan.
Angmar, mounted on a fell beast, joins him there.
May 26 - The army still camps at the Firien Wood.
May 27 - A messenger from Lugburz arrives at the army camp near
Firien Woods. Sauron commands, "Ignore the warnings that
Khamul received at the Tower of Halfirien; it is nothing more
than a bluff by the Powers. Join both wings of the Army before
you go to Edoras. Those forces already north of Mirkwood and from
Dol Goldur will soon take care of Rivendell."
June 1 - First and Second Wings of the Army of Mordor break camp
and march toward Edoras. Bad storm from the West delays army.
June 2 - Clear day. The cloud cover from Mordor is gone. Trolls
and orcs have to hide in tents. The orcs are superstitious and
feel great fear. Army reorganizes - Angmar takes the forces of
Uruk-hai, light-resistant trolls and men, and orders them to march
in the day. Khamul's Second Wing is composed of the orcs who must
travel at night. Army now 130 miles away from Edoras
June 2 - Maltriel captured by Rohirrim
June 2 - Gandalf and Pippin say goodbye to refugees in the mountain
valley. They must now travel 30 miles down the mountains to the
Great West Road and 120 miles on the road to Orthnac. About 7
days on regular horse at 20 miles a day. They will do it in 3
1/2. The men and boys, survivors of the fall of Gondor, who are
willing and able to fight are told by Gandalf to quicken their
pace and march to the Fords of Isen (Projected date of arrival:
June 8)
June 5 - The plague hits parts of Southern Gondor. However, the
damage is not as severe as had been hoped by Mordor, due to the
foresight of Gandalf and Aragorn, who lead a large group of the
people to Rohan over the White Mountains.
June 5 - Maltriel and the company of Rohirrim arrive in Edoras,
riding 50 miles a day.
June 6 - Gandalf and Pippin arrive in Orthnac
June 7 - The day that never seemed to end. Edoras abandoned. Maltriel
sent towards the Fords of Isen for safety.
June 8 - Khamul's army of 7000 takes and occupies the city of
Edoras with no resistance from the Rohirrim.
June 8 - 9,100 from Gondor arrive in the Westfold.
June 10 - Ashgaz' arrival in the Shire (Going 60 miles a day).
Meeting with Mary; captured by Angmar on fell beast and taken
back to Minas Morgul. Was later tormented and destroyed by Angmar
(the Witch-King). Peter's unseen hroa (body) was destroyed and
his fea (spirit) went to Valinor, where he was judged in the Ring
of Doom by the assembled Valar. He was sentenced to wait half
an age to reflect upon his deeds in the Halls of Mandos before
going to Eru.
All Tolkien characters copyright J.R.R. Tolkien.