March, 2230

It is 2230 Second Age in the midst of Numenor's age of dominion. Numenorean colonies have been established on Middle Earth. Nobles tracing descent back to the first king Elros, brother of Elrond, have sailed to form their own colonies on Middle Earth. The first Numenoreans were eager to aid the inhabitants of Middle Earth and bring them knowledge, helpful plants and new technology in the period from 600 to 1700 Second Age. However, the mood of the Numenoreans changed quickly during the Days of Dominion (1800 to 3200). Then, the Numenoreans came as conquerers, seeking slaves, gold, precious gems and especially mythril. As the Numenoreans' power spread, so did Sauron's suspicion and hatred grow.

Aldarion, kin to the great King Aldarion, the 6th king of Numenor, had received permission from King Tar-Minastir (ruled from 1731 to 1869) to go to Middle Earth and found a Numenorean colony in Umbar. Beginning his kingdom during the latter years of the Days of Help, Aldarion and the lords who came with him from Numenor had wrested lands from the uncivilized men who peopled the area and established a fortress. Wishing to expand his kingdom, Aldarion had sent troops into the interior to the east but had always met with opposition from the strong Foe, Sauron, Who waged constant wafare against Umbar for many long years.

Seldom successful in the battles with the Enemy, King Aldarion was often filled with despair. Then one day, as he was sitting in his chambers, a powerful Maia from Valinor came to him, offering friendship and aid. This Being of Light told Aldarion that the reason why he had not had success was that he had strayed and no longer believed in the power of the Valar. The Maia told Aldarion that his disblief had saddened the Valar, and that Maia had been sent to urge Aldarion to go back on the path of righteousness. In recognition of his repentance, the Valar would offer him their friendship and aid. This friendship would be symbolized by the giving of a Ring to Aldarion. Eager to remedy all the ills of his life and the concerns of his kingdom, Aldarion gladly accepted the friendship and the Ring.

Even after accepting the friendship of the Valar, Aldarion's kingdom was still beset with wars with the Enemy. During one of these struggles against the Enemy, Aldarion's heir, Melendur, was slain. Filled with grief and fury, Aldarion, calling upon the power of the Ring, led a countercharge against the foe and had driven him back. Then peace was enjoyed in the land for many years.

Estranged from his second wife, Azarin, who had been banished far to the west of Umbar because of infidelity, there would be no heir for many long years. Many after Azarin had died, Aldarion had journeyed to Numenor to see once again the land of his birth. Shortly after his arrival, he was informed by the present King, Tar-Atanamir, that Aldarion must marry the king's granddaughter, Zimra, to tighten the bonds with Numenor or else forfiet his lordship of Umbar.

Forced into the position yet again of having to take another wife whom he did not love for state reasons, Aldarion had been wroth with Tar-Atanamir and their long friendship traveled on tenous grounds. During their years of marriage, Zimra and Aldarion had grown to hate each other, but since divorce was an unknown, there was no way to free himself of her.

Long had Aldarion noticed the young maiden, Zaminbalak, whose father, Gimilkhad, was a minor lord in his court, and found her both beautiful and charming. Finally, at a court dance one night, he had asked her to dance with him, and found himself drawn to her. Telling her during the dance that he was bound to a woman he hated, he told her that he wished to be rid of his wife and implied that she might be able to help him. Meeting in secret trysts with her in his chambers at night, he told her that he planned to give his wife a potion that would slowly poison her but would appear as though she were being consumed by slow, wasting disease. This potion was difficult to administer, though, because the king seldom visited his wife. Therefore, he asked Zaminbalak to be a handmaiden to his queen Zimra and give her the nightly doses of the draught that would lead eventually to her death.

There was also another reason why Aldarion could not give his wife the draught himself. If anyone suspected that he had slowly poisoned her to death, there would be great suspicion raised in the court and among her friends, the elves of Lindon, and even her kin in far away Numenor. Therefore, he wanted the blame, should any occur, to fall upon Zaminbalak, whom it would be thought had poisoned the queen in jealousy and the desire to impress the king with her loyalty. Though the sweet words he told Zaminbalak at first were false, he found himself falling in love with her, the first woman whom he had ever loved deeply in his life. Throughly besmitten by her by then, Aldarion repented that such thoughts of using her had ever entered his mind as they did the first night they talked at the dance.

Throughout the rest of his life and beyond, Zaminbalak would be the only woman whom he ever truly loved.

So it begins.

Zaminbalak portrayed by FreeFall
Aldarion portrayed by Wraith

Zaminbalak: *she remembered watching her King as she grew older..although a young age of 25...she had admired him for longer years... she always moved to the head of the crowd, wide eyed to watch him and listen to him adress the people...*
Zaminbalak: *he was well educated and always spoke with such conviction...she studied..learned to read and understnad things that women often didnt..*
Zaminbalak: *then came the day when her hand fit in his and they danced and talked for what seemed like hours..hours she didnt want to end..something she would not let end...*
Zaminbalak: *she knew then as she somehow always did that she couldnt be without this man and with that she promised she would be his wife's handmaiden... and do something she never thought she could do...but she knew now of the power of the heart...*
Zaminbalak: *so she worked to serve the lady..his wife...
Aldarion: *this night he has summoned her to one of the many balconies of the palace, a secluded place away from the eyes and ears of the palace servants. He asks now of his wife's "health"*
Aldarion: *he waits for her on the balcony*
Zaminbalak: *his wife had growing hate and disprespect for him...she thought his mind was deteriorating..and this angered her the things she would speak of...she went to meet him now..she entered and saw they were alone....she moved up close to him as she would always do in secrecy and whsipered* my love
Aldarion: My lady, did anyone see you have come this way?
Zaminbalak: no i made sure i was unseen
Aldarion: Ah, you were ever the clever one
Aldarion: And how is my queen's health?
Zaminbalak: *her voice is soft* the signs have begun to show finally my Lord
Zaminbalak: although nothing vital yet
Aldarion: *he seems relieved* That is good to hear
Zaminbalak: she has developed a cough
Aldarion: Ah
Zaminbalak: i am glad it alerts the people to question her health
Aldarion: And she suspects nothing?
Zaminbalak: nothing at all
Zaminbalak: she is too worried with cursing you
Aldarion: My lady, cursing me?
Aldarion: so it has ever been with her
Zaminbalak: she says harsh things my love
Zaminbalak: it is hard for me to bear it
Aldarion: what does she say?
Zaminbalak: she calls you an old fool..says finally your age has plagued your mind
Aldarion: She is no better than a common tavern wench, but always with her high airs!
Zaminbalak: i say nothing back...holding my tongue is not an easy task but i do
Aldarion: I would never have married her and did so only to strengthen the bonds with Numenor
Zaminbalak: i never realized how bitter of a woman she was
Aldarion: My lady, you must hold your tongue, for if anyone would ever suspect anything, the king of Numenor would be wroth
Zaminbalak: yes i know
Zaminbalak: how are you feeling my love*she touches his face*
Aldarion: The gift from Lord Annatar makes me stronger
Aldarion: My love, I feel .....
Aldarion: ...Relieved that she has suspected nothing
Aldarion: I believe she has taken many lovers since we have been married
Zaminbalak: she knows not of your power..
Zaminbalak: my love dont tell me that
Aldarion: And she thinks I do not know of it
Zaminbalak: it will anger me farther
Aldarion: I know... I can tell things sometimes
Aldarion: I would kill her myself were it not for her kin
Aldarion: Would I not be justified?
Zaminbalak: it shall be done *at first she feared this task..but the queen has given her many a reason to want to do it now*
Aldarion: I have stifled my pride. I have held back
Aldarion: Now that you know this... are you surprised?
Aldarion: But look, isn't the view from the balcony a beautiful one?
Zaminbalak: it is my love *looks out* breathtaking
Aldarion: The solace of the sight could almost make me forget...
Aldarion: But... for one small matter
Aldarion: And you, my lady, know of this small matter
Aldarion: Aye, you tend to her every day
Zaminbalak: yes...patience my love
Aldarion: My wife... that witch
Zaminbalak: it is hard for me
Zaminbalak: everyday i must listen to her
Zaminbalak: and more than that...tend to her
Aldarion: Now you know the torment I have suffered for years!
Aldarion: How can I enjoy the long life that I have been blessed with with that woman?
Aldarion: My third wife, the worst of the lot
Zaminbalak: but not for long
Aldarion: *he looks out into the night from the balcony and listens to the song of the nightengale*
Aldarion: *he waits for her to speak*
Zaminbalak: always i worry...i hate this secrecy
Zaminbalak: it pains me to have to meet with you in shadows
Aldarion: Alas, my lady, until....
Aldarion: ...until the deed is complete...
Zaminbalak: the others think i am a loyal servant
Zaminbalak: they tell me how well i tend to her..they even said that she thinks highly of me
Aldarion: How..... much longer?
Aldarion: Until she is....
Zaminbalak: but for her that still isnt that good treatment
Aldarion: I will say the word my lady.... dead
Zaminbalak: the cough has worsened..and she seems to slow to get up
Zaminbalak: as if her joints are stiffening
Aldarion: My lady, perhaps a bit more tomorrow night of the potion...
Aldarion: Just a bit?
Zaminbalak: *she is constantly looking around...tormented by this hiding*
Aldarion: My lady, perhaps when.... it is all over.....
Aldarion: I will make you my queen
Zaminbalak: we will give it just a bit of time afterwards..
Zaminbalak: not too soon
Aldarion: Of course
Aldarion: We do not want the people to suspect
Zaminbalak: no my love
Aldarion: But, shall we think of better days to come?
Zaminbalak: *looks to his face*
Zaminbalak: it is my wish
Zaminbalak: *searches his eyes*
Zaminbalak: my love..
Aldarion: What is your request? To be my queen?
Aldarion: Do it and do it well and perhaps
Zaminbalak: *thinks of his epoisode he had some weeks before*
Aldarion: But my lady, soon....
Aldarion: I must leave. I plan war once again against the Enemy
Zaminbalak: *her head lowers*
Aldarion: This will not be for some weeks to come. It is better that I should be away when she....
Aldarion: *he puts his hand on her shoulder*
Zaminbalak: i do not know when it will happen
Zaminbalak: *rests her face on that hand*
Zaminbalak: *inhales deeply*
Aldarion: Yes... that hand my lady, but not the other
Zaminbalak: *exhales* i know
Aldarion: Yes, yes... we have talked about that before
Zaminbalak: *his wife had not believed him...but she did..and she feared it*
Aldarion: And you know..... you should never..... touch It..
Zaminbalak: yes i know
Aldarion: My wife thinks I am insane....
Zaminbalak: yes she does
Aldarion: But I swear to you by all my honor it can talk to me, but only to me
Aldarion: Is that a strange thing?
Zaminbalak: i know..i remember watching you as it did
Aldarion: You did not hear It did you?
Zaminbalak: no my love
Zaminbalak: but my love..
Aldarion: *he moves away from her and begins to pace. He says* You think I am mad too, don't you?
Zaminbalak: not at all...in fact..
Zaminbalak: i feel a heaviness in my heart at times
Zaminbalak: when i near it..or when it speaks to you
Aldarion: Then you know I am not mad!
Zaminbalak: you arent mad
Zaminbalak: i know this
Aldarion: *he continues to pace back and forth*
Zaminbalak: it may be small...
Aldarion: My lady, you must know... I have the power to take it off. I can do that
Zaminbalak: but i feel the size is unmatched
Aldarion: Do you believe me?
Zaminbalak: i didnt know you could do that
Zaminbalak: but you dont want to
Aldarion: My lady, do you think I am obsessed?
Aldarion: You think I am obsessed? Are you becoming like my wife!
Zaminbalak: my love..relax...i can never be like your wife..
Zaminbalak: but the ring is powerful
Aldarion: I will prove it to you
Aldarion: *he stops pacing, walks over to her*
Zaminbalak: *watches him *
Aldarion: *He takes one hand and moves it to the hand where the ring is on. He slowly begins to pull the ring off, but stops and then looks at it*
Aldarion: *With a final jerk he pulls it free and holds it*
Zaminbalak: *her eyes are intense as she watches*
Aldarion: *he tenses, and blinks hard. He reaches it out to her*
Zaminbalak: my love....*feeling uneasy* it is all right..you need not prove anything to me
Aldarion: Take it!
Zaminbalak: *breathes deeply*
Zaminbalak: what?
Aldarion: I will prove this to you
Aldarion: Take my ring but do not put it on
Aldarion: Hold it in your hand
Zaminbalak: *she reaches out her open palm*
Aldarion: *he trembles and puts the ring in her hand, hesitantly*
Zaminbalak: *she looks to the ring in her palm...eyes it and speaks to him*
Aldarion: *he watches her as she holds the ring*
Aldarion: *he seems pleased with himself*
Zaminbalak my love....your doing this *her words are low and heavy*
Zaminbalak: *tears streams down her cheek*
Zaminbalak: shows your trust in me
Zaminbalak: i will love you forever
Aldarion: *the ring is gold set with diamond gems and Elvish scrollwork*
Zaminbalak: *she speaks to him but looks to the ring still*
Aldarion: My lady, you see it is but a simple ring and no terrible deamon
Zaminbalak: i am bound to you for all eternity
Aldarion: There is no magic to it whatsoever
Aldarion: Whatever my wife tells you
Aldarion: But now I would like it back
Aldarion: My lady?
Zaminbalak: of course my love...but this is no ordinary ring
Aldarion: It was a gift from Lord Annatar
Zaminbalak: give me your hand
Aldarion: *he extends his hand to her*
Zaminbalak: allow me to place it back on your finger
Aldarion: Then place the ring upon my finger
Zaminbalak: *takes his hand and then winces and groans a bit*
Zaminbalak: *clumsily places it on his finger and breathes heavily*
Aldarion: Good, my lady, I can trust you
Aldarion: There are those who would kill for this ring, though it is just a simple thing
Zaminbalak: *she clenches her fist wwhere it had laid*
Aldarion: But humor an old man. It makes me stronger, let me think that
Zaminbalak: it is not a simple thing
Aldarion: But humor me because I am no longer young
Aldarion: I am very strong for an old man
Zaminbalak: my love...
Zaminbalak: that ring did not want to be in my hand
Aldarion: Of course not, my love. It belongs to me
Aldarion: But that is a silly thought
Zaminbalak: it hurt
Aldarion: Never say this, but when I wear it, I can see visions sometimes, great visions
Zaminbalak: of what my love?
Aldarion: of things that cannot be seen by mortal things, of things that should not be seen by mortal eyes
Aldarion: Forbidden knowledge
Zaminbalak: *her mind is not at ease*
Aldarion: *he senses that she is not at ease with this knowledge*
Aldarion: I can see the dead and they talk to me
Aldarion: and always I can see the giver of the gift. That comforts me
Zaminbalak: my Lord i am frightened
Aldarion: My lady, you should not be frightened by the Giver of The Gift, for he is, I believe, one of the gods who has come to Middle Earth to aid me
Aldarion: Never be frightened of anything!
Zaminbalak: i do not know what it is i fear
Zaminbalak: i think i fear loss
Aldarion: Loss of what, my lady? I have lived a long time. I intend to live a lot longer
Zaminbalak: its not loss of life
Aldarion: Then what is it?
Zaminbalak: *cannot put her finger on it..she just feels an emptiness*
Zaminbalak: i do not know..i cannot foresee things
Aldarion: My lady, Annatar loves Middle Earth. He is my friend, He is my lord
Aldarion: If possible, He gives me long life, and great power
Zaminbalak: *clears throat* perhaps i am just jittery from the task at hand
Aldarion: and I would be as the elves, immortal
Zaminbalak: the matter of the lady
Aldarion: My wife...
Aldarion: Let us forget my wife for a while
Zaminbalak: yes
Aldarion: Let us enjoy this moment while we can.
Zaminbalak: i agree *she pushes the worry from her mind and looks to him*
Zaminbalak: *touches his face*
Aldarion: My lady, answer me this question first
Aldarion: Do I look any different from when you last saw me?
Zaminbalak: *searches his face*
Zaminbalak: somrthing in your eyes is different
Aldarion: Sometimes i feel that...
Aldarion: but we will not think any more of that
Aldarion: Let me kiss you. Humor an old man
Zaminbalak: *she smiles...she loved this man greatly*
Zaminbalak: *curls her fingers in his hair and brings his head down to her*
Aldarion: *he smiles*
Zaminbalak: *speaks over his lips*
Zaminbalak: embrace me my love
Aldarion: *he puts his arms around her, almost desparately*
Aldarion: *he kisses her*
Zaminbalak: *she clings to him and presses him against her tightly*
Zaminbalak: never let me go my love
Aldarion: *he kisses her harder, then stops*
Aldarion: Is this the kiss of an old man?
Zaminbalak: *he leaves her breathless*
Aldarion: but now my lady, my eyes dim....
Aldarion: and you seem... unclear..
Zaminbalak: unclear?
Aldarion: yes... as if in a mist
Aldarion: It is but a mood... a trick of my eyes
Aldarion: But I must rest, my lady... for I fear I will have a vision
Aldarion: This is the way they begin
Aldarion: Always, this way
Aldarion: And then...
Aldarion: I can see nothing but....
Aldarion: *he trails off and moves away from her*
Zaminbalak: *her eyes are sad as he leaves her*
Aldarion: I must go to my chamber, my lady, until the vision passes
Zaminbalak: *her uneasiness returns*
Aldarion: Come to me tomorrow night, late, when the servants are in bed
Zaminbalak: yes my love
Aldarion: *he walks away into the darkness of the palace*
Zaminbalak: *she exhales deeply*
Aldarion: *Strangely as he goes he seems fading before her eyes*
Zaminbalak: *places her hand over her heart and leaves the balcony and goes back to her room*

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